Haniel significa “Gloria de Dios” o “Gracia de Dios”. En la antigua Babilonia, el Arcángel Haniel ayudó a los sacerdotes que se involucraron intensamente en astrología, astronomía, energía lunar y prácticas curativas. Desde entonces, está asociado con la luna y el planeta Venus.

Contacto Sami para consultas: angelsamipauly@gmail.com @Samiandangeles @iaaam.international @tvaldeaglobal @kikeposada1



Instagram @Samiandangeles

Produccion @iaaam.international @tvaldeaglobal @kikeposada1https://youtu.be/MYAIkhOSfMc


HAY ÁNGELES EN ESTE LUGAR,Sami Pauly,Samira Guardia,Kike Posada,Arcangel,Angeles,Terapia angelical,,Sami and angels,angeles,arcangel,huestes celestiales,,arcangel haniel,doreen virtue,


HAY ÁNGELES EN ESTE LUGAR,Sami Pauly,Samira Guardia,Kike Posada,Arcangel,Angeles,Terapia angelical,,Sami and angels,angeles,arcangel,huestes celestiales,,arcangel haniel,doreen virtue,


HAY ÁNGELES EN ESTE LUGAR,Sami Pauly,Samira Guardia,Kike Posada,Arcangel,Angeles,Terapia angelical,,Sami and angels,angeles,arcangel,huestes celestiales,,arcangel haniel,doreen virtue,


HAY ÁNGELES EN ESTE LUGAR,Sami Pauly,Samira Guardia,Kike Posada,Arcangel,Angeles,Terapia angelical,,Sami and angels,angeles,arcangel,huestes celestiales,,arcangel haniel,doreen virtue,


HAY ÁNGELES EN ESTE LUGAR,Sami Pauly,Samira Guardia,Kike Posada,Arcangel,Angeles,Terapia angelical,,Sami and angels,angeles,arcangel,huestes celestiales,,arcangel haniel,doreen virtue,


#Haniel #HAYÁNGELESENESTELUGAR #SamiPauly #KikePosada #AldeaGlobalTV #Arcangel #Angeles #Terapiaangelical #angelical #sanrafael #sanmiguel #Uriel #Miami #Holistico #Coaching #Abundancia #Prosperidad #Espiritual #Samiandangels #zaqdiel #iaaam #medicinaholistica #Angeles #SamiPauly #HayAngelesenesteLugar #TerapiaAngelical #Angeologa #iaaam #kikeposada


The love for music, and the desire to be an informer brought us to the world of entertainment. We have gradually built on a mission that has been goal in life: bringing Latin music to US masses. In 1999 our editor, Kike Posada, was selected “an influential personality in the realm of music for the 21st century” by The Miami Herald. He also received the ASCAP Ampt award for his support to Latin music and the prestigious Orquidea Award as a Colombian talent. He has an extensive professional experience as a journalist, radio programmer, music critic, member of NARAS and LARAS (Grammy). BOOM created the first radio program specialized in Latin alternative music in the United States, (see Billboard magazine 11/14/93.) Posada beginnings as a journalist took place in Bogota, at the Xavier University. There, he became the official voice of the station. Then became a record label executive. Managed the international market for Universal Music (formerly Polygram) Moving to the US in 1992, joined EMI-Capitol Records as South East Coast Promoter. But his dream of publishing a magazine, came true in 1996 (BOOM), and hasn’t stopped publishing ever since.