In conjunction with its commitment to provide educational funding as a means to further musical education within the Latin community, the Latin Grammy Cultural Foundation announced today that $600,000 in scholarships will be awarded to 33 students in various Latin American countries, Spain and the United States. The recipients were chosen by the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee, which evaluated a highly competitive pool of applicants and awarded three Gifted Scholarship Awards with a maximum value of $100,000 each to students from Brazil, Spain and Venezuela; and 30 Scholarship Tuition Assistance Awards with a maximum value of $10,000 each to students from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Puerto Rico, the United States, and Venezuela.

The Latin Grammy Cultural Foundation was launched in April 2014 with its primary charitable focus on providing scholarships to gifted music students in financial need, as well as offering fellowships and grants for the research and preservation of Latin music.

«We are amazed by the exceptional level of musical preparation our scholarship recipients have shown throughout the consideration process as well as their commitment and determination to maximize this unique opportunity,» said Manolo Diaz, Vice President of the Latin Grammy Cultural Foundation. «The Foundation and its Scholarship Committee are honored to award our first-ever scholarships to these 33 gifted students, which will provide them with financial support to continue their educational studies, pursue their career goals and ultimately realize their dreams

The Gifted Scholarship Award provides monetary support to very talented music students with financial needs and an interest in Latin music. An annual tuition stipend will be provided to those pursuing a four-year bachelor’s degree at a music institution. The maximum amount for these scholarships is $25,000 (U.S.) each year per student. The Scholarship Tuition Assistance Award aids aspiring musicians with an interest in Latin music in meeting financial obligations for the continuation and advancement of their music education. It consists of a one-time tuition award of a maximum value of $10,000 (U.S.) to study at a music institution.

Gifted Scholarship Recipients:

Brazilian singer Mirella Costa, Venezuelan pianist Baden Goyo and Spanish pianist Pablo Mirete are the three recipients of the first-ever Gifted Scholarship Awards presented by the Latin GRAMMY Cultural Foundation. Costa is a 25-year-old singer from Sao Paulo who will be studying at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. Goyo hails from Caracas, Venezuela, and is a 24-year-old pianist who will be studying at the New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music in New York. Mirete is a 17-year-old pianist from Elche, Spain, who will also further his studies at the Berklee College of Music in Boston.

In order to qualify for continued annual assistance during their four-year college commitment, the recipients of the scholarships must honor and maintain standards of excellence set forth by the Foundation and the respective music institution as well as maintain a 3.0 GPA, which will be assessed each year of their studies.

Scholarship Tuition Assistance Recipients:

The following students will receive the Scholarship Tuition Assistance Award for 2015: Elizabeth Avalos (United States), Renato Augusto Alves da Silva (Brazil), Santiago Barragan (Colombia), Pablo Benito Revollo-Bueno (Colombia), Orlando J. Berrios Rojas (Puerto Rico), Ricardo Chiesa (Puerto Rico), Jose Raul Cruz Melendez (Puerto Rico), Rafael Dos Santos Abdalla (Brazil), Oscar Ettedgui (Venezuela), Maurizio Fiore (Venezuela), Sergio Gallardo (Bolivia), Jairo Gallegos Ayala (Ecuador), Juan Camilo Gonzalez Gonzalez (Colombia), Rodolfo Guilherme da Silva (Brazil), Gregorio Andres Guzman Hernandez (Colombia), Zachary Hernandez (United States), Iseliana Mendez (Venezuela), Bryan Moreta (Ecuador), Steven Muñoz Uribe (Colombia), Esmirna Ortiz (Dominican Republic), Geraldine Osorio (Colombia), Diego Pereira (Brazil), Mauro Pereira de Oliviera Jr. (Brazil), Joabe Reis (Brazil), Cristian Restrepo (Colombia), Marco Antonio Ribera Tejeda (Mexico), LizVette Rivera (Puerto Rico), Marianelly Rodriguez Quesada (Costa Rica), David Suleiman (Puerto Rico), and Juan Pablo Villota Rosero (Colombia).

The Gifted Scholarship Award provides monetary support to very talented music students with financial needs and an interest in Latin music. An annual tuition stipend will be provided to those pursuing a four-year bachelor’s degree at a music institution. The maximum amount for these scholarships is $25,000 (U.S.) each year per student. The Scholarship Tuition Assistance Award aids aspiring musicians with an interest in Latin music in meeting financial obligations for the continuation and advancement of their music education. It consists of a one-time tuition award of a maximum value of $10,000 (U.S.) to study at a music institution.


Posterior al anuncio de la entrega de la Beca Enrique Iglesias presentada por la Fundación Cultural Latin Grammy por un valor de $200,000 a favor de la saxofonista Itzel Salinas Reyna y continuando con el compromiso de proporcionar asistencia económica para contribuir a la educación musical dentro de la comunidad latina, la Fundación Cultural Latin Grammy ha anunciado hoy que destinará $600,000 dólares (U.S.) adicionales a través de becas a 33 estudiantes de música de varios países de América Latina, España y de los Estados Unidos. Los receptores han sido elegidos por el Comité de Becas de la Fundación, que evaluó un grupo altamente competitivo de solicitantes y otorgó tres Becas Talento, con un valor máximo de $100,000 cada una, para estudiantes de Brasil, España y Venezuela; y también otorgaron 30 Becas de Asistencia para Matrícula, con un valor máximo de $10,000 cada una, a estudiantes de música de Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, República Dominicana, Ecuador, México, Puerto Rico, Estados Unidos, y Venezuela.

La Fundación Cultural Latin Grammy fue lanzada en abril de 2014, con el enfoque caritativo principal de proporcionar becas a estudiantes talentosos con necesidades financieras, así como ofrecer subvenciones para la investigación y preservación de la música latina.

«Estamos sorprendidos con el nivel excepcional de preparación musical que nuestros becarios han demostrado a lo largo del proceso de consideración, así como su compromiso y determinación para maximizar esta oportunidad única», dijo Manolo Díaz, Vicepresidente de la Fundación Cultural Latin Grammy. «En la Fundación y su Comité de Becas nos sentimos orgullosos de adjudicar nuestras primeras becas a estos 33 estudiantes dotados. Con ellas se les proporcionará apoyo financiero para continuar sus estudios de educación, proseguir sus objetivos de carrera y hacer realidad sus sueños«.

La Beca Talento proporcionará ayuda financiera a estudiantes de música que tengan gran talento pero limitaciones financieras para poder continuar sus estudios a un nivel de Licenciatura Universitaria. Las instituciones de música seleccionadas por los beneficiarios recibirán una cantidad máxima de $25,000 (US) por año y por estudiante, durante cuatro años de estudios hasta su graduación. La Beca de Asistencia para Matrícula será otorgada a estudiantes de música latina por una sola vez. La institución musical en la que el beneficiario(a) esté matriculado(a) recibirá hasta un máximo de $10,000 (US) para financiar parte de su educación.

Receptores de La Beca Talento:

Mirella Costa, cantante brasileña, Baden Goyo, pianista venezolano y Pablo Mirete, pianista español, son los tres receptores de la primera generación de Becas Talento presentada por la Fundación Cultural Latin Grammy. Costa, es una cantante de Sao Paulo, Brasil de 25 años de edad que estudiará en Berklee College of Music en Boston. Goyo es de Caracas, Venezuela, y es un pianista de 24 años de edad que estudiará en The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music en Nueva York. Mirete, pianista de 17 años de edad, proviene de Elche, España y también continuará sus estudios en Berklee College of Music en Boston.

Para calificar para la continuación de la asistencia anual durante sus cuatro años universitarios, los receptores de las becas deben honrar y mantener los estándares de excelencia pre-establecidos por la Fundación Cultural Latin Grammy y la institución de música correspondiente, así como mantener un GPA de 3.0, el cual será evaluado cada año de sus estudios.

Receptores de La Beca de Asistencia Para Matrícula:

Los siguientes estudiantes (nombrados por orden alfabético) recibirán la Beca de Asistencia para Matrícula de 2015: Elizabeth Avalos (Estados Unidos), Renato Augusto Alves da Silva (Brasil), Santiago Barragán (Colombia), Pablo Benito Revollo-Bueno (Colombia), Orlando J. Berrios Rojas (Puerto Rico), Ricardo Chiesa (Puerto Rico), José Raúl Cruz Meléndez (Puerto Rico), Rafael Dos Santos Abdalla (Brasil), Oscar Ettedgui (Venezuela), Maurizio Fiore (Venezuela), Sergio Gallardo (Bolivia), Jairo Gallegos Ayala (Ecuador), Juan Camilo González González (Colombia), Rodolfo Guilherme da Silva (Brasil), Gregorio Andrés Guzmán Hernández (Colombia), Zachary Hernández (Estados Unidos), Iseliana Méndez (Venezuela), Bryan Moreta (Ecuador), Steven Muñoz Uribe (Colombia), Esmirna Ortiz (República Dominicana), Geraldine Osorio (Colombia), Diego Pereira (Brasil), Mauro Pereira de Oliveira Jr. (Brasil), Joabe Reis (Brasil), Cristian Restrepo (Colombia), Marco Antonio Ribera Tejeda (México), LizVette Rivera (Puerto Rico), Marianelly Rodríguez Quesada (Costa Rica), David Suleiman (Puerto Rico), y Juan Pablo Villota Rosero (Colombia).