Joined By A Longtime Personal Hero…
Baseball Legend WILLIE MAYS
In a powerful new video set to be unveiled tomorrow, Friday March 7th –outspoken Grammy Winners Calle 13 challenges the Hip Hop community about violent posturing without understanding true hardship. And in an emotional and blunt self-confessional moment, Calle 13 MC Residente turns back to the guidance of a respected boyhood idol to help him destroy his own missteps over fame and materialism – demolishing his own Maserati purchased as a misguided quest for image and status.
– Advance video viewing links available upon request for coverage preparation – Usage Embargoed Until March 7th –
“The message I’m looking to send to young people by destroying my own car, which at one point represented the ostentatious excesses in my life, is infinitely more valuable than the car itself. The fact that society places so much value on these supposed luxuries has resulted in kids who are willing to kill for them. When the legendary Willie Mays, who like Roberto Clemente is one of the most accomplished and respected baseball players of all time, gives me the bat that I use to destroy the car full of guns and bling, it symbolizes the power of wisdom and experience overcoming the shallow goals of gangsterism. It reconnects me with my early grounding in sports and the important life lessons it helped me learn. Mr. Mays was incredibly generous with his time and, as I am a huge fan, it was a dream come true to be in his presence.”- Residente (Rene Perez) of Calle 13
(An ardent baseball player himself for many years in Puerto Rico, Rene is a lifelong San Francisco Giants Fan)”Creo que el mensaje que le estoy enviando a los niños y a la juventud al destruir mi propio carro, que en algún momento representó el exceso ostentoso en mi vida, vale infinitamente más que cualquier carro costoso” afirmó “Residente” en un comunicado de prensa.
Además agregó: “El hecho de que la sociedad consumista en que vivimos, aún en tiempos de crisis y de que cada uno de nosotros como individuos le sigamos dando tanto valor a estos lujos excesivos, ha traído como consecuencia que muchos jóvenes estén literalmente matándose por ellos”
En el rodaje, que se realizó entre Arizona (Estados Unidos), la barriada Morales en Caguas y la Cantera Roca Dura en Manatí (Puerto Rico), el vocalista utiliza un bate, que le da la leyenda del béisbol Willie Mays, para arruinar el Maserati “lleno de armas de fuego y cadenas de oro, símbolo del poder de la experiencia, el poder de la sabiduría, yéndose por encima de las metas superficiales del bajo mundo”.